For quite a few years in my life, I thought celebrating the new year was pointless.
"It's just an arbitrary number, and it was bound to happen. What's so special about it?"
but recently, I've come to understand that even though it's just another day with a different number,
it gives us a sense of accomplishment and renewed hope. We need those checkpoints sometimes. The finality of the end and the excitement of a new beginning.
"We made it this high, now let's go even higher."
I hope this new beginning brings a fresh perspective to the upcoming days. Perhaps you had a really rough 2017, and you're waking up to the first days of 2018 clinging to worries and fears.A new year can't erase the past but I hope you can keep going and find happiness in the days to come. If you're setting goals for this year, remember that even the most simple of dreams is worth the world because it's yours and yours alone. If you're not setting goals, that's okay too. You just need to be happy in the following year.
I hope that whatever we are searching for this year will find it's way to us. Be strong and remember that you never walk alone.
Here's the sunrise tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Have a wonderful 2018!